You’ll want to utilize your time wisely at the Yankee Dental Congress! A great way to do this is to minimize commute time and book a hotel through onPeak, the official hotel provider of the 50th Celebration of the Yankee Dental Congress.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when booking your hotel:
- Book your hotel through onPeak. They’ll be able to help you with your hotel accommodations. They are the official hotel provider of the 50th Celebration of the Yankee Dental Congress. Book with someone else, and beware of scary experiences!
- Book early. Even though it may seem like the 2025 Yankee Dental Congress is months away, rooms book up fast. We have dental professionals coming from all over the world. If you want the best hotel experience, be an early bird and avoid walking around Boston like a zombie.
- Don’t be misled by a “better” deal. Please beware! Scammers are emailing and calling people regarding hotels. Please take note that our official housing vendor is OnPeak. This is the only company you should work with to book housing. Also, Only emails coming from,, and are official and we will only send communications from these addresses.
- Pack accordingly. Boston in January is beautiful, but pack snow boots and a thick jacket. Gloves and hats are great, too!
Traveling can be fun and exciting. Ensure you’re prepared by coordinating your travel plans using these great tips.